While in Crete, I was woken
suddenly one morning by an ipad being thrust excitedly in my face displaying
that one very clever Kyle had purchased two tickets to the black tie Royal
World Premiere of Skyfall at the Royal Albert Hall.
A handful of tickets had been released to the riff raff and we were
fortunate enough to snap a couple up.
“we”, of course, I mean Kyle, aka best hubby ever.

We walked the red carpet with the stars (twice – and why
not) which was insane.
Daniel Craig was
the first star on the carpet and the last to leave.
We managed to get within 2 metres of him,
only because the burly security man wouldn’t let us any nearer…
I wanted to get him to sign my ticket, but
Turns out it’s customary for the plebs
to get ferried up the centre of the carpet, while the stars go up the sides,
signing autographs etc for the people lining the sides of the carpet.

We also got to eyeball Javier Bardem, Christopher Lee, a
couple of Bond girls, Q, a couple of comedians and a vintage Aston Martin that
featured in the film.
Judi Dench drove
past us in her car too.
We had to be in the Hall before Chuck and Camilla turned up,
so we took the opportunity to lift a glass of NZ sav in the Cloudy Bay Wine
Bar. Still so tasty.
Those people playing at home will know that 2012 marked the
50th anniversary of the release of Dr No and therefore 50 years of
Bond on screen. Because of that, there
was a bit of a pre-show programme. After the film was introduced by the director, an
army band played the Bond theme while they screened a bit of a retrospective
montage while we waited for the royals to show up. After a good deal of flesh-pressing, we got
to actually watch the movie. Kyle only
fell asleep for a few minutes and only let out a brief snore. That’s an instant 4 star rating!
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